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Workload balance tips from top school and trust leaders

High staff workloads are not just a logistical challenge—they are a significant factor driving teacher stress, burnout, and resignation.

In fact, workload is consistently one of the least positive areas of staff experience, with only 33% of staff responding positively to questions about it last year.

The comprehensive guide – based on national data and interviews with 18 leaders from 8 of the highest-performing trusts – offers proven strategies that can help.

The guide will help you:

  1. Implement trust-wide workload management strategies;
  2. Set communication boundaries;
  3. Implement flexible working options;
  4. Streamline collaborative planning;
  5. Foster a culture of support and gratitude.


We know that staff workload, particularly teacher workload, is consistently one of the lowest modules across our data set. In fact, 48% of trust and school staff reported feeling overworked in 2023/24.

So, we have embarked on a journey to understand what leaders can do to support their staff and balance their workload. We use our data as a launching point to dive into a conversation about what practical steps school and trust leaders are taking to combat the teacher workload crisis.

This guide is an essential read for leaders aiming to understand what are the practices and impact around staff workload and how top trusts and schools have addressed workload problems to see high results.


The guide begins with insights from our staff data to contextualise the importance of a balanced workload. It also highlights the correlation between workload issues and staff retention. We use national data from the following survey in our analysis:

Furthermore, the second half of the guide draws on interviews with leaders from 8 trusts, achieving exceptional scores for workload balance in our data. To see the trusts and schools leading in workload balance, read our blog.

Who will find this report useful?

This comprehensive guide is a recommended read for trust and school leaders looking to better understand the critical importance of a balanced workload for staff. It gathers practical advice and success strategies for trusts looking to balance teacher workload, improve staff wellbeing, and reduce resignation.