Run as many surveys as you need for staff, pupils and parents
Sign up for our unlimited package to access all the surveys listed below, enabling you to explore key topics and gather insights across your school or trust with ease.
The Edurio template library provides professionally designed survey questions on various topics, which you can use alongside national benchmarks or customise to suit your needs. Each survey also includes demographic and Protected Characteristics modules to ensure all respondent groups are thoughtfully considered.
Run as many surveys as you need for staff, pupils and parents
Sign up for our unlimited package to access all the surveys listed below, enabling you to explore key topics and gather insights across your school or trust with ease.
The Edurio template library provides professionally designed survey questions on various topics, which you can use alongside national benchmarks or customise to suit your needs. Each survey also includes demographic and Protected Characteristics modules to ensure all respondent groups are thoughtfully considered.
Staff surveys
Measure the effectiveness of local governance practices and uncover inconsistencies in school-level governance across a trust.
Explore stakeholder perspectives on climate and environmental action within the school. Use alongside parent and pupil surveys to gain a holistic view and drive sustainability improvements.
Monitor staff work satisfaction throughout the academic year. Track changes and respond promptly to emerging issues related to workload, communication, clarity and purpose.
This core diagnostic survey provides an overview of the pupil experience, helping identify strengths and areas for improvement. It features extensive benchmarking and an adapted version for younger pupils.
Ideal for regularly monitoring pupil wellbeing and tracking changes throughout the academic year. This survey helps in reacting promptly to emerging issues.
Designed to gather pupil perspectives on climate and environmental action, evaluating current efforts and curriculum. Use alongside staff and parent surveys to gain a holistic view and drive sustainability improvements.
Provides in-depth insights into pupils’ safeguarding experiences, evaluating the effectiveness of safeguarding strategies and alignment with KCSIE guidelines.
The survey asks questions about wellbeing and academic and social-emotional readiness, informing the current school they can support upcoming changes pupils may face.
A core diagnostic tool providing insights into the experiences of parents and carers. Identify strengths and areas for improvement, and compare results with staff perspectives on parental engagement to strengthen relationships between stakeholders. Includes extensive benchmarking for national comparisons.
Explore parent perspectives on the school’s climate and environmental initiatives. Use alongside staff and pupil surveys to gain a holistic view and drive sustainability improvements.
Assess the quality of communication between the school and parents and carers, especially around school events. Use the survey to enhance engagement and improve the effectiveness of parent events, supported by national benchmarks.
Understand parents’ views on pupil attendance, including attendance habits, policy effectiveness, and communication. Triangulate results with staff and pupil surveys to ensure consistency and effectiveness across the school community.
Gain insight into parents’ views on pupil behaviour and support. Compare with staff and pupil surveys to identify areas for improvement and enchance behaviour management strategies.
Evaluate how parents and carers of pupils with SEND perceive the school’s support. Focus on communication, resources, and specialist assistance to better support parents in their roles.
Understand how parents/carers feel about their child’s upcoming transition. Use the insights to improve support for stakeholders during the transition period.
Allows independent schools to self-evaluate across various standards. It supports preparation for external audits and reviews, enabling ongoing monitoring of school improvement efforts.