Completed by over 110,000 pupils since 2022
Completed by over 110,000 pupils since 2022
Our Pupil Safeguarding Survey can be used to gain a deeper understanding of your pupils’ safeguarding experience. It helps evaluate your school’s or trust’s safeguarding strategy at scale and reveals aspects of safeguarding not covered by policy audits and incident trackers. Furthermore, you can gain practical ideas to improve safeguarding across your schools.
This survey is developed in partnership with The Key and a group of experts ranging from trust safeguarding leads to safeguarding audit specialists and research experts with the main aim of understanding whether pupils feel safe in various settings and whether their school has prepared them for what to do if they do not. The survey is aligned with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) guidelines.
Survey questions are age-appropriate and answers are anonymous. Custom questions can be added.
The survey reviews the effectiveness of school safeguarding policy to understand whether pupils feel safe in various settings and whether their school has prepared them for what to do if they do not. We developed this survey in partnership with a group of experts ranging from trust safeguarding leads to safeguarding audit specialists and research experts.
Topics include:
The survey reviews the effectiveness of school safeguarding policy to understand whether pupils feel safe in various settings and whether their school has prepared them for what to do if they do not. We developed this survey in partnership with a group of experts ranging from trust safeguarding leads to safeguarding audit specialists and research experts.
Our Customer Success and Implementation Teams will guide you through this journey. From goal setting to creating the best possible survey for your needs to ensuring that whatever the outcomes of your results, you're supported in taking action through either 1-1, group sessions and frequent workshops. Your report will summarise results, provide strengths, areas for focus and recommended actions. It will also benchmark your scores against other schools nationally.
Our Customer Success and Implementation Teams will guide you through this journey. From goal setting to creating the best possible survey for your needs to ensuring that whatever the outcomes of your results, you're supported in taking action through either 1-1, group sessions and frequent workshops. Your report will summarise results, provide strengths, areas for focus and recommended actions. It will also benchmark your scores against other schools nationally.
If you are interested in learning more, we would be happy to schedule a video call to discuss the Safeguarding Review in more detail.
During the call (30-45 minutes), you will:
If you are interested in learning more, we would be happy to schedule a video call to discuss the Safeguarding Review in more detail.
During the call (30-45 minutes) you will: