for Administering the Safeguarding Review for Pupils

What to know to successfully support the survey-taking process


Key Information


All pupils between Y3 and Y13

Survey distribution:

Each school has a unique survey link

Survey topics:

The survey looks at factors contributing to a safe environment, the level of safety felt in various school settings and pupils' understanding of what to do if they feel unsafe.
More information can be found here.
→ Download all survey questions in PDF

Survey timeline:

The survey will take place between 3rd October and 28th October.

Survey by weeks

w/c 3 Oct

The survey is live. Survey links are available on the Edurio platform, ready to be shared with pupils.

w/c 10 Oct

The survey is live. Log on to the platform to monitor engagement!

w/c 17 Oct

The survey is live. Log on to the platform to monitor engagement!

w/c 24 Oct

The last full week to complete the survey.


In case of any questions, please contact Edurio at support@edurio.com or through the in-platform chat, which can be found in the green icon in the lower-right corner.


Your Role as a Survey Administrator


 In advance: Ensure respondents have time and technology to access the survey

The survey will be carried out online, using the Edurio platform. As such, each pupil will need access to a smartphone, tablet or computer to fill out the survey. The survey should be filled out once by each pupil individually in one sitting.

To ensure everybody has the opportunity to fill out the survey, we recommend booking dedicated time for all classes in a classroom with computer facilities. The survey takes around 15 - 30 minutes to complete but can take longer for younger years. We'd recommend booking 45 minutes.

Lastly, please designate an adult supervisor who has received up-to-date safeguarding training to support the class taking the survey. The supervisor will need to introduce the survey and explain the mechanics of how to answer the questions.


 On the launch day: Communicate survey access to respondents

Pupils will be able to access the survey through one generic link (please be mindful that each school has one unique link, so links shouldn’t be shared across schools). The link should be shared with all pupils during a dedicated time in class or sent through an internal messaging system.

Please follow these steps to find your link:

  1. Log in via edurio.com/login using your work email address.
    If you haven't created a password yet, click the following link to activate your account: edurio.com/users/create-password
  2. Once in your account, please go to the section "Results", find the right survey and click on "Respondents".

    3. Once you’ve copied the link, you’ll need to distribute it among the pupils!


 During: Monitor response rates

Through the Edurio platform, you’ll be able to monitor response rates in the “Results” section. Click "Respondents" and you'll see information about respondents and the response rate.



 During: Drive engagement

Remind about the survey in the existing staff meetings
Use your internal messaging system

Key messages:

“We’re gearing up for a new survey in which we'll be giving pupils the opportunity to express their views about their school’s safeguarding practices.”

“Our goal is to make sure pupil voice is heard, especially given how important safeguarding is so that we can use the results to improve pupil experience in the school.”

“The result will help us develop sustainable action plans aimed at improving the student experience in your school.”



In case of any questions, please contact Edurio at support@edurio.com or through the in-platform chat, which can be found in the green icon in the lower-right corner.


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