It's that time of year! At Edurio, we ensure that schools have current data for comparing against the national benchmark updates in the education sector of 2023, enhancing the overall picture. When we update our benchmarks, we learn about how the national picture has/hasn't changed since our last update.
Staff Experience and Wellbeing
This year's Staff Wellbeing Benchmark indicates a 3-5% decrease in positive responses to student behavior-related questions ('21/'22 vs. '22/'23).
Explore behavior in schools from various perspectives in our latest Improving School Trusts Report. It's an excellent resource for delving into stakeholder viewpoints on behavior.
Staff Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
In our Staff Equality, Diversity and Inclusion benchmark, positive response proportions have remained virtually unchanged.
Exploring our most up-to-date EDI report is a great way to explore some of our national insights on the topic of EDI in schools.
Parent Experience
In our Parents Experience Benchmark, a notable shift is evident in the ease of contacting the school. Positive responses declined from 81% in the '21/'22 academic year to 75% in '22/'23 (ALL Parents BM). Suggesting parents are finding it harder to contact the schools this academic year.
We also noticed that a larger percentage of secondary school parents feel positively informed about their child's homework, with an increase from 41% positive responses in '21/'22 to 50% in '22/'23.
Keep an eye on our Parent Hub for future insights and blogs about parent feedback.
Pupil Learning Experience and Wellbeing
Our Pupil Learning and Wellbeing Benchmarks, among our largest, reveal noteworthy trends. During the '22/'23 academic year, we observed declines in positive responses for key aspects. These include teachers' feedback helpfulness (51% to 45%), clarity of teachers' explanations (60% to 53%), and ease of obtaining support from teachers (46% to 40%) when compared to the '21/'22 academic year. Suggesting pupils are less positive about their learning and classroom experience this year compared with last.
We have many interesting insights at the click of a button on our Pupil Hub; the most recent addition to these insights comes from our Improving School Trusts report.
Pupil Safeguarding
This Benchmark marks the culmination of a full school year since launching our Pupil Safeguarding Survey. Comparing data from the initial survey wave benchmark to the full '22/'23 year reveals minimal changes, typically ranging between 1-2%. Explore the subtle fluctuations and their potential implications on the surveyed aspects. Explore the subtle yet crucial shifts in pupil safeguarding dynamics over this comprehensive period.
We have a wealth of insights and information available about our Pupil Safeguarding Survey data available on our Pupil Hub, where we have two reports featuring data from our Pupil Safeguarding Review.
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