Edurio Unlimited

Support Centre

step 1 Choose your survey content

  A     Access your school administrator account

  • Log in to your Edurio administrator account via edurio.com/users/login
  • Access your school administrator account

  B     Choose your survey content

  • Go to the Surveys section and click Create custom survey:
    • Start with a template created by us by clicking Use template
    • Start from scratch by clicking on Create custom survey
creating a survey template circles


step 1 Set up your survey

  A    Set up a new survey with these questions

  • Once you're happy with the final version of the survey, click Create survey with these questions
  • Click Launch next survey round 

  Add respondents

  • Navigate to the second tab Respondents
  • Choose which group to add to this survey:
    • You can choose the default group meant for all of school's community
    • You can create a new group for separate pupil year groups, staff members, parents and more
adding respondents

  Finish the setup and retrieve the survey links

  • Once everything's ready to go, click Start survey
  • Your survey is now active and the survey link can be shared with survey respondents.
    Copy your survey link/-s and follow the steps in the 3rd part!


step 1 Launch your survey

  A    Communicate survey access to respondents

  • Share the link with all respondents through safe and convenient communication channels

  B    Monitor and drive engagement

  • Monitor the response counts in the same Results section
  • Remind respondents to share their voice!


Example for sharing the survey link with respondents

Dear {Respondent},

Our team is gearing up for a survey in which we'll be giving you the opportunity to express your opinion on {insert topic} and your overall confidence in the school’s strategy. Our goal is to open up a communication channel where your voice is heard and organised in such a way that we can create the best {learning / working} environment for {pupils / staff}. To help us with this, we're working together with the Edurio survey platform.

To complete the survey, please click here: {insert your survey link}

Surveys are completely anonymous and confidential, though the responses will be aggregated for the purpose of analysis. Please note that the survey needs to be completed in one sitting. The survey will be available until {insert close date} and the survey should take no more than {insert a number} minutes to complete.

Your opinion and honesty are much appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns please be in touch. 

We look forward to your feedback!
Senior Leadership Team at {School Name}

More tips & tricks:

step 1 Close your survey

  A    Close the survey

  • Click Pause survey
  • Click Finish survey

  Start working with the results!

  • Click View Results to start analysing your results


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